Jeramiah’s Sprained Ankle
It was a cold and misty night in Kowhai Park. A dark figure was walking towards the walls of the castle at Kowhai Park. The dark figure was Jeramiah! He was one of the bad boys of Wanganui east his clothes were black with flames on the sleeves he had been kicked out of his friend group so he decided to draw a diddle on his friend groups hideout.
Jeremiah was hesitant at first but he didn’t really care so he pulled out his spray can. He shook it up and sprayed a really big life-like diddle on the main part of the hideout! After that Jeramiah was so happy but then he saw red and blue lights so he started to run as fast as the wind and a police officer started to yell at Jeramiah. Jeremiah didn’t stop though, he just kept on running and running without stopping. While he was running he started to think about what would happen to him.
He felt so guilty about what he had just done but he thought there was no time to think about this now. As he was thinking he tripped over a bum laying right in his tracks. When he got back up his ankle started to hurt a lot at that moment he had realised what had happened. He had sprained his ankle, he tried to run but he couldn’t. While he was sobbing in pain the cops ran up to Jeramiah and arrested him they put him in the car and took him back to the police station.
In the morning he was taken back home and his mum gave him a big whack with the belt. From that day on Jeramiah never graffiti again. When he got back to school everybody knew about what had happened at Kowhai Park and he was shamed for the rest of his life.