About Me

Kia Ora my name is Noah Oliver and today I am going to tell you a little about myself. I was born a small town in Australia, when I was two years old I moved to New Zealand with my mum. Ever since I have lived in New Zealand with my mum and my dad.

I have two siblings my Sister Harper and my big brother, I live in a nice home in Whanganui. I have been to two schools which are Carlton School and Rutherford Intermediate right now I am in Rutherford Intermediate. So far life has been very very good for me I have a lot of friends and a loving family. 


I like to go fishing a lot and I have a really good fishing spot. At the start of the year I got my first Kahawai in the Whanganui river. After a while I got my second Kahawai too. A couple weeks ago I lost my first Kahawai which made me very very sad.

Voice typing

        Today we were voice typing and it was really really stressful because it was it working well so I would’t use it again. It was super super bad I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. I wouldn’t use it unless I have a headset to talk into.

Thursday 20th Of March 2025


My Week And Weekend.

This week has been very very good so far. On Monday we had a pretty chill day. We did a bit of maths and it was really really hard but not too hard. We had to have a meeting for the weet bix kids tryathlon. It wasn’t too long, we just had to get our bikes ready for the big day!

On Tuesday I wasn’t at school for that long because I was going to the weet bix kids tryathlon. The trip was a bit long because we were going all the way to Palmerston North for the entire day. We had to wait a long time but we had a lot of stuff to do. We had some food and played on an obstacle course which was really fun. When we started the race we had to swim which was really bad, because it was too crowded. After that we went biking and it was really fun because I was beating a lot of people. After that we did running and that was it for the tryathlon.

On my weekend my sister went to a birthday party on saturday and my mum was at work so my dad and my dad got to have a lot of fun. We went to get pizza and drive around town. When we got home I got to do a bit of gaming which was fun. On Sunday I went fishing by myself down at the Whanganui river. After a lot of waiting I had a Kahawai on my fishing rod! I started to reel it in and after I got it I gave it a clean up and went home to cook it up for dinner.

In conclusion my week was very good and so was my weekend too. I am so grateful for all that has happened this week.

Wednesday 12th Of March 2025

Jeramiah’s Sprained Ankle 


It was a cold and misty night in Kowhai Park. A dark figure was walking towards  the walls of the castle at Kowhai Park. The dark figure was Jeramiah! He was one of the bad boys of Wanganui east his clothes were black with flames on the sleeves he had been kicked out of his friend group so he decided to draw a diddle on his friend groups hideout. 


Jeremiah was hesitant at first but he didn’t really care so he pulled out his spray can. He shook it up and sprayed a really big life-like diddle on the main part of the hideout! After that Jeramiah was so happy but then he saw red and blue lights so he started to run as fast as the wind and a police officer started to yell at Jeramiah. Jeremiah didn’t stop though, he just kept on running and running without stopping. While he was running he started to think about what would happen to him. 


He felt so guilty about what he had just done but he thought there was no time to think about this now. As he was thinking he tripped over a bum laying right in his tracks. When he got back up his ankle started to hurt a lot at  that moment he had realised what had happened. He had sprained his ankle, he tried to run but he couldn’t. While he was sobbing in pain the cops ran up to Jeramiah and arrested him they put him in the car and took him back to the police station. 


In the morning he was taken back home and his mum gave him a big whack with the belt. From that day on Jeramiah never graffiti again. When he got back to school everybody knew about what had happened at Kowhai Park and he was shamed for the rest of his life.

My Weekend Monday 10th of March 2025

My Weekend

By Noah Oliver.


My weekend was very fun. I did a lot of really fun things and I had a blast. On Saturday morning, my day and my day went to the bakery by super value. While we were inside getting some pies for breakfast my dad left his window down on the drivers side, so he sent me to the truck to put the window up but I was really confused and stressed while trying to put it up. In the end I did get the window up but the drivers side was all wet which I felt but for my dad. Once we had our pies we went to drop my mu off at work while we were there we saw my nanny and so we got our uncle Phoenix and the rest of the day we were just playing around.


On Sunday we woke up and had breakfast which was rice bubbles which are really yummy by the way. After that we went off to do the shopping which was really boring. Once we dropped off the shopping stuff at home we went to drop off our uncle Phoenix back at our Aunt’s house and after we went to Rebel Sport to look for basketball shoes for my dad. We spent half an hour in Rebel Sport and we found some cool shoes for my dad. Once we got home we had some lunch and went for a big bike ride along the river track all the way to the boat ramp and on the way my mum was trying to cut me off which made me mad. On the way back I decided to bike along the sand and on the way I came across a pipe that had a little bit of water at the end and there were fish in the little bit of water. 


Eventually we got home and we watched some UFC in the shed and It was so cool watching it. After that I went to play some video games for a bit but then I had to do a job which was trimming a branch. It was a lot of fun doing it though and I got to cross one more job off my list of jobs.


In conclusion, my weekend was really really fun and that made me very happy. Thank you for listening to my story about my weekend.

Harold Visit

Today we went to see the life education bus and it was really fun first we went up the stairs and it had a lot of static electricity and it sent a shock up my whole arm and it felt really nice. After that we sat down on the bus and we got put into a group of three and we each got given a card. after that we had to read what was on the card and make a few questions and answers. Once we were done we got to see Harold the Giraffe and he told us a few jokes witch were really funny.


hursday 6th Of March 2025 Narrative



It was a dark and cold night and Jason was walking back home from his day at work at the church. The weather was cold and there was a misty fog on his way back. But he still kept on going despite the warnings of the monsters that were lurking in the misty fog. There were posters everywhere of missing people who went into the fog. Some people thought that they would never come back despite one person who always keeps telling stories about his experience with the monsters in the fog. 


He always tells stories about how one time he went into the fog and saw a thirty meter tall giant that almost gobbled him up. A lot of people are so angry with that man and always tell him to stop going into the fog or he won’t be so lucky next time. Now back to Jason, he was standing on the edge of the misty fog nervous as heck. He finally stepped into the freezing cold fog and made his way into the fog. While he was walking through the fog he saw a white glow in the distance. He stopped right in his tracks and froze in fear as the white glowing things backed away. 


After that he decided to sleep at the church that night but all of a sudden a big monster jumped from the mist. Jason started to run for his back to the church to shoot the monster with the cannon he was running and running till he finally saw the church he ran up the stairs and shot the monster with the cannonball and the beast ran away back to the fog. He was so relieved and he decided to stay at the church that night.

Wednesday 5th March 2025

My Week At School.


My week at school has been very very good. We haven’t done that much but it has been fun. On Monday there was a lot of drama. I mean a lot of drama. It was really chaotic. There were kids running around and I was lucky to survive that entire day!


On Tuesday we did a lot of stuff like maths writing in the morning we had to do a really boring maths test. It was really easy but some of it was a bit hard for me to do. On the maths test I think I got most of it correct but I am not that sure.


On Wednesday we had to do some maths in the morning. It was so easy but I had to correct it a few times but after that I got it all done which made me happy. After that we walked from school all the way to the splash centre to do swimming lessons. They were quite fun but my legs started to hurt after a while but the walk to school was so painful.


In conclusion this week has been very nice with a lot of ups and downs but we are only half way through the week so I hope it is super nice. 


Christmas is a time of celebration and closer to the end of the year and I reckon this year has been one of the best. Here are some of the things I really love about Christmas! First of Christmas is my most favourite time of the year because you get to hang out with your friends and family. You also get to have some of the best foods in the world, my neny makes some really good foods.


I think that this Christmas we should have a secret Santa it would be a nice way to celebrate Christmas with our classmates. We could get anything we want for a random person it could range from something to a Christmas card or a toy. This would keep the Christmas spirit alive in the entire classroom and maybe the entire school would  join in. I would really love it if we could have a school Christmas.


For Christmas it would be nice for the school band to walk around the school playing Christmas songs it would put the school in a Christmas spirit. I would love to hear songs being played around the school I would love to learn how to play a Christmas

My Weekend.

On Saturday I woke up and we went to drop my mum off at work and while we were there we brought some new LED for Christmas they were really cool. After that we went to cash converters to look around and while I was there I saw a really cool gaming mouse but my dad said maybe. After that we went to the river markets and it was really really cool. Once that was done I went back to cash converters and got the really cool mouse. After that we went shopping while mum was still a work and we got it done really easy. When we got home I had to mow the lawns and then that night I got to play games. On Sunday we had a lot of fun with mum we had a lot of fun. So That was my super duper fun weekend.

By Noah Oliver.